Market Risk Stress Testing & Scenario Analysis
January 27, 2022
Jadwal Pelatihan Market Risk Stress Testing & Scenario Analysis
Tanggal | Tempat | Kota | Belum ada jadwal terbaru |
- Understanding on Basic Principle on Stress Testing
- Understanding on Methodology used in Stress Testing
- Successfully determine and establish forward-looking stress tests and scenario analyses
- Focus on developing regulatory requirements for stress testing and scenario analysis
- Design and analyse flexible scenarios to effectively mitigate and manage risk
- Understanding the need for effective stress testing of Market risk
- Explore best-practice techniques for the design of a stress testing and scenario analysis framework
- Pemahaman terhadap Prinsip dasar Stress Test
- Pemahaman terhadap metodologi yang digunakan dalam Stress Testing
- Keberhasilan dalam menentukan dan membuat forward-looking stress tests dan scenario analyses
- Fokus pada membangun stress testing dan scenario analysis sesuai dengan regulatory requirements
- Merancang dan menganalisa scenario yang fleksibel dalam me-mitigasi & mengelola resiko secara efektif
- Pemahaman atas kebutuhan stress testing dari resiko pasar secara efektif
- Menggali lebih dalam best-practice techniques untuk merancang suatu kerangka kerja stress testing dan scenario analysis
Materi Pelatihan
1. Introduction on Stress Testing
- Role of Stress Test
- Building Block of Stress Test
- Stress Testing Types
- Sensitivity versus Scenario Analysis
- Analysis on Specific Risk Factors
- Learning from the Past
2. Performing The Stress Test Impact on Capital (Summary)
- Baseline Scenario
- Determined The Risk Exposure
- Choosing The Risk Model
- Determined The Scenarios: Single Factor Shocks
- Determined The Scenarios: Multiple Factor Shocks
3. Scenario Simulation on Yield Curve under Stress
- Term Structure of Interest Rate
- Titling Yield Curve
- Steepening Yield Curve
- Flattening Yield Curve
4. Introduction to Value at Risk Model (related to Stress Test)
- What is VaR Model?
- The Background
- Advantages of VaR Compare to Traditional Risk Measurement
- Statistic’s Distribution
- Volatility Concept
- Calculating The Standard Deviation and Generating the Correlation Matrix
- Holding Period & Confidence Level
- Calculating The Individual and Diversified VaR
- Historical VaR & Montecarlo VaR
- Backtesting The VaR Model
5. Modeling The Stress Testing on Market Risk Exposure
- Trading Book Exposure
- Stress Test on FX Exposure
- Stress Test on Trading Interest Rate Risk Exposure
6. Stress Test of Interest Rate Risk on Banking Book (IRRBB)
- Definition & Background
- Duration & Immunization Concept
- Macaulay Duration, Modified Duration
- Immunization Concept: Convexity
- Risk Sensitivity Asset & Risk Sensitivity Liability
- Economic Value of Equity Model
- Stress Test on PV01 or PVBP Modeling
- Stress Test on NII (NII Sensitivity Modeling)
Training Method
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant
Form Registrasi Pelatihan / Training
Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan Market Risk Stress Testing & Scenario Analysis, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:
- (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
- 0811 2938 847
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