E-Learning – Effective Omnichannel Communication

June 20, 2020

E-Learning – Effective Omnichannel Communication

Jadwal Pelatihan E-Learning – Effective Omnichannel Communication

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The omnichannel definition goes beyond counting the number of channels. Per the etymology of the word omnichannel, the word is made up of “omni” which is Latin for “all”. You’ve heard it in “omnipresent” (always present), “omnivorous” (ability to consume all types of food), and so on.

Omnichannel meaning all channels into one, it is now much easier to grasp that when building an omnichannel marketing strategy, you essentially need to bring together all your marketing channels into one, and tie them into one silky-smooth customer experience. The best way to create a well-coordinated system of aligned, customer-oriented services is to bring together Marketing, Sales, Product and Customer support.

Simply speaking, omnichannel (or omni-channel) marketing commits a business to provide consistent, on-brand communications across multiple customer touchpoints regardless of where they are in the path to purchase. An omnichannel communication strategy can include online and offline channels  such as :

  • Mobile Apps
  • Social Media Profiles
  • Brick and Mortar Stores
  • Online Reviews
  • Websites
  • Email Marketing
  • Customer Service Resources

A well-executed omnichannel communication strategy roughly translates to a business creating a consistent, easily recognisable and integrated customer experience across all of the above. A brand that uses multiple communication channels but doesn’t attempt to offer a consistent experience is running cross-channel marketing. If those experiences are different because they’re targeting different audiences, it’s multi-channel.

To improve availability, a lot of modern companies are fully focusing on omnichannel communication. That’s because it is becoming increasingly important to score an A on availability. As a company, you are expected to be reachable everywhere. The times where you can survive with just a phone number and an email address are far behind us. Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, you name it; there is no way around these platforms any longer.

And be warned: just being visible on these channels is not enough. You also have to actively interact with your customers on there.

The bar for customer service moves up higher and higher with these expectations. Customers are more critical than ever when it comes to customer experience. Companies that don’t change accordingly get left behind.


  1. Mission and Vision
  2. Recreate Your Visual Style
  3. Use a Brand Voice Guide
  4. Strengthen Brand Strategy Across All Channels
  5. Keep All Departments in The Loop
  6. Embrace Technology
  7. Manage Strategies Carefully
  8. Omnichannel Communication Software

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  • (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
  • 0811 2938 847

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E-Learning – Effective Omnichannel Communication
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