Asset Integrity Management Systems (AIMS) outline the ability of an asset to perform its required function effectively and efficiently whilst protecting health, safety and the environment and the means of ensuring that the people, systems, processes and resources that deliver integrity are in place, in use and will perform when required over the whole lifecycle of the asset. An Integrity Management System should address the quality at every stage of the asset life cycle, from the design of new facilities to maintenance management to decommissioning. Inspections, auditing/assurance and overall quality process.
- Understand how you can optimize the Asset Integrity Management systems and strategies in your Organization.
- Find out how to manage holistic asset designs with the assistance of AIM systems and design codes.
- Discover how to use Risk Based Inspection to identify threats faster and save operational cost.
- Implement a technical approach to asset integrity management to obtain positive operational results and extended the life – cycle of the facility.
- Adapt effective asset integrity managements strategies that will help increase productivity and over challenges.
1. Asset Integrity General Overview
- Introduction
- Definitions
- General Organization of an Asset Integrity
- Management System
- Standardization and Codes
2. Basics of Asset Management and Asset Integrity
- Asset Management versus Asset Integrity
- Defining Asset Criticality
- Risk Assessment Techniques
- Life Cycle Costing Design Considerations, Process Safety Management (PSM), Mechanical Integrity Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
3. Corrosion Management
- Corrosion Basics
- Main Corrosion Factors
- Type of Corrosion in Oil & Gas Industry
- Corrosion Management Standardization and Codes
4. Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
- RBI Concepts
- Implementation
- Standardization and Codes
5. Fitness for Service (FFS)
- FFS Concepts
- Implementation
- Standardization and Codes
6. Inspection and Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
- Inspection and NDT Implementation
- Main NDT Methods
- Personnel Qualification
- Standardization and Codes
7. Risk Assessment Techniques
- FMECA, Fault tree, HAZOP, What If Analysis, etc
8. Rotating Equipments
- Condition Monitoring for Rotating Equipments and Risk Analysis
- PM Optimization
- Alarms, Trips and Safe Shut Down of System
9. Total Productive Maintenance
- Impact of TPM on Asset Integrity, Different Pillars of TPM and its effect on Asset Integrity
10. Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
- Principles of RCM
- The Seven Key Elements of RCM
- Reliability Analysis
- Summary Proven Tools that support AIM
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
11. Modern Approaches to Asset Integrity Management (AIM)
- Lessons Learned from Case Studies Around the World
This training is uniquely design to provide valuable insight for:
- Asset Managers, Team Leaders & Senior Engineers Engaged The Development, Roll-out Implementation & Review of The Integrity Management Scheme
- Directors, Managers, Team leaders & Engineers of Pipelines, Wells, Structures, Plant & Facilities Projects, Design, Operation and Maintenance Department
- Corrosion and Integrity Group Members
- QA/QC Specialists
- Inspection Managers, Team leaders & Engineers
- Maintenance Engineers and Managers
Training Method
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break