E-Learning – Industrial Automation & Control

July 26, 2022

E-Learning – Industrial Automation & Control

Jadwal Pelatihan E-Learning – Industrial Automation & Control

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A basic understanding of standardized signals and the many ways they are utilized will give more confident in looking at automation/system controls. This Industrial Automation & Control course lecture is to provide an overview of industrial measurement and control. Technicians, engineers, and managers are provided with a foundation for communication with other control system professionals.


  • Communicate with measurement and control professionals
  • Discuss the role of measurement and control in industrial processes
  • Differentiate between continuous, batch, and discrete control
  • Discuss and apply the most common methods and devices used in temperature, pressure, level, and flow measurement
  • List control valves in a feedback control loop
  • Discuss the fundamentals of process control
  • Differentiate between control system architectures including single loop controllers, Distributed Control System (DCS), and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)
  • Discuss trends in measurement and control technology


  1. Concepts of Process Control
  2. Industrial Measurement Systems
  3. Pressure Measurements
  4. Level Measurement
  5. Flow Measurement
  6. Temperature Measurement
  7. Control Valves
  8. Feedback Control Strategies
  9. Advanced Control Strategies
  10. Control System Hardware
  11. Smart Field Devices

Form Registrasi Pelatihan / Training

Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan E-Learning – Industrial Automation & Control, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:

  • (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
  • 0811 2938 847

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E-Learning – Industrial Automation & Control
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