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Construction management are needed to ensure the construction project completed at the minimum cost and at due date. Construction management role is to ensure the coordinating and communication between all parts of the construction project, which usually consists of issues of cost, time, quality, human resources, procurement, environment, health and safety, risk, claims and other aspect that affect the success of construction projects. Imprecision in this arrangements may cause the project to be delayed which could cause the company systematically exposed to penalties and more severe course is blacklisted companies that make them can not be in more tender. Due to construction management consists of planning, coordination and evaluation so a manager must to know generally the developments in the work field within a global framework which is why it is required to develop their mindset to more integrative and solutive. This training aims to prepare a workforce to understand exactly how to manage the construction so all demands can be accomplished with maximum results.
After this training, participants are expected to :
Staf/Manager Produksi, Laboratorium dan Maintenance Engineering, Staf/Manager K3
Pre Test
Case Study
Post Test
Training Kit
1x Lunch & 2x Coffee Break
Masker + Face Shield
Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan Project Construction Management, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:
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