E-Learning – Advance Android security
February 17, 2022
Jadwal Pelatihan E-Learning – Advance Android security
Tanggal | Tempat | Kota | Belum ada jadwal terbaru |
1. IT Security and Secure Coding
- Nature of Security
- IT Security Related Terms
- Definition of Risk
- IT Security vs Secure Coding
- From Vulnerabilities to Botnets and Cybercrime
- Classification of Security Flaws
2. Android Security Overview
- Android Fragmentation Challenges
- The Android Software Stack
- OS Security Features And Exploit Mitigation Techniques
- The Linux Kernel
- Filesystem Security
- Dalvik
- Deploying Applications
3. Application Security
- Permissions
- Writing Secure Android Applications
- Digital Rights Management (DRM)
- Reverse Engineering and Debugging
4. Basics of Cryptography
- Cryptosystems
- Symmetric-key Cryptography
- Other Cryptographic Algorithms
- Asymmetric (public-key) Cryptography
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Cryptography on Android
5. Android Native Code Security
- Buffer Overflow Possibilities in Android
- ARM Architecture
- Buffer Overflow on the Stack
- Protection Techniques – ASLR, XN, RELRO,
6. Android and Java Vulnerabilities
- Input Validation
- SQL Injection
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Improper Use of Security Features
- Improper Error and Exception Handling
- Code Quality Problems
7. Testing Android Code
- Testing Android Code
- Android Lint
- Android Lint – Security Features
- Lint Exercise
- PMD Exercise
- FindBugs
- FindBugs Exercise
8. Advices and Principles
- Matt Bishop’s Principles of Robust Programming
- The Security Principles of Saltzer And Schroeder
9. Knowledge Sources
- Secure Coding Sources – a Starter Kit
- Vulnerability Databases
Form Registrasi Pelatihan / Training
Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan E-Learning – Advance Android security, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:
- (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
- 0811 2938 847
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