Confident Recruitment and Selection Interviewing Skills
March 3, 2020
Jadwal Pelatihan Confident Recruitment and Selection Interviewing Skills
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This highly practical course provides a step-by-step approach to the recruitment and selection process, with tips and techniques to help you to structure interviews, ask the critical questions and present your company in the best possible light. The ultimate aim of the course is to give you the confidence and re-assurance that you’ve recruited the person who is the best match for the role.
By the end of this course you will be able to :
- Confidently recruit the right person for your vacancy.
- Understand the importance of getting it right.
- Use the most effective recruitment options.
- Spec out the job description to make sure you know what your ideal candidate looks like.
- Know the steps to plan and prepare for an interview.
- Think from an organisational perspective and project your company in the best possible light.
- Maintain your focus on the interview’s primary objectives.
- Make effective decisions about each candidate.
Outline Materi
1. The Importance of Getting it Right
- The true cost of recruitment-why poor decisions can be more costly than you think
- Minimising the risk of churn
- The legal risk
2. Attracting the Right Person
- How to complete an effective job analysis
- Defining the recruitment and selection process
- Do’s and don’ts of an effective job advert
- Methods of recruitment head-hunters, recruitment agencies, the media and internal applications
- Marketing the vacancy, using the internet and social networking
- Identifying your role and responsibilities
- Best practice on using the internet in the recruitment process
3. Preparing for Interviews
- Using job descriptions and person specifications
- Do’s and don’ts of effective interviewing
- Interview objectives and structuring an interview plan for each candidate
- Preparing the interview room
4. Conducting the Interview
- The art of questioning, the strategic nature of effective questioning and detecting untruths!
- Creating an open environment so that the candidate is encouraged to open up and relax
- Overcoming barriers to communication using positive body language
- Keeping the interview on track and using effective listening and questioning skills
- How to take notes recording information for future use
5. After the Interview
- Reviewing candidate qualities, attributes and skills against set criteria
- Selecting the right candidate evaluating performance, strengths and weaknesses
This is an essential introductory course for anyone involved in and new to the recruitment and selection process or those with experience wanting to brush up their skills.
Training Method
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant (Yogyakarta)
Form Registrasi Pelatihan / Training
Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan Confident Recruitment and Selection Interviewing Skills, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:
- (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
- 0811 2938 847
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