Civil Management

July 7, 2022

Civil Management

Jadwal Pelatihan Civil Management

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Modern civil engineering professionals often require an extensive understanding of construction management due to the strategic benefits it can bring to both individuals and project teams. As the industry becomes more competitive, organizations and their clients are increasingly demanding the combined time, cost and quality assurances that good project management practice provides. Furthermore, the industry now recognizes that there is a need for engineers to gain specialist technical knowledge which compliments their academic and professional background. These observations form the basis of the MSc/Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering and Construction Management, an essential core of construction management material augmented by a broad range of specialist civil engineering options.


  1. Project Management: Strategic Issues (CM) – mandatory and one from
  2. Construction Financial Management (CM)
  3. Business Management for Built Environment Professionals (CM) and two from
  4. Safety, Risk & Reliability (CE)
  5. Foundation Engineering (CE)
  6. Water and Waste Water Treatment (CE)
  7. Urban Drainage Design and Analysis (CE)
  8. Earthquake Engineering (CE)

Training Method



Case Study



Training Kit



Lunch + 2x Coffee Break


Pick Up Participant (Yogyakarta)

Form Registrasi Pelatihan / Training

Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan Civil Management, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:

  • (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
  • 0811 2938 847

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Civil Management
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