Advance Reservoir Simulation

September 20, 2022

Advance Reservoir Simulation

Jadwal Pelatihan Advance Reservoir Simulation

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The Training focuses on a number of key topics not normally discussed in reservoir simulation courses or well understood even by experienced practitioners of reservoir simulation.

The Training discussion is supplemented by the frequent use of specially prepared spreadsheets to illustrate the application of key concepts and methodologies using actual field examples. Course participants will be able to download the spreadsheets for future work-related and self-study purposes.

By Attending This Training, You Will:

  1. Know how to assess and mitigate the adverse effects of numerical dispersion, and grid orientation effects on simulator predicted field performance.
  2. Understand models used to estimate relative permeabilities, residual saturation and capillary pressures and how to effectively use these in cases where core measured data is limited or absent.
  3. Know how to effectively and efficiently use up-scaling and pseudo-functions to improve predicted reservoir performance.
  4. Understand grid selection options and know how to select the best grid for a specific simulation study.
  5. Know how to model gas condensate reservoirs and condensate blockage effectively.
  6. Understand how to design and run full-field simulation studies optimally.

 Training Content

  1. The internal structure of reservoir simulators
    •  single, two and three phase reservoir simulators, black oil and modified black oil simulators, compositional simulators.
  2. Limitations of numerical solution methods
    •  truncation errors, numerical dispersion and stability, grid orientation effects.
  3. Rock properties and saturation functions
    •  design of effective SCAL programs and reservoir wettability, two and three point saturation end-point scaling, rock-typing and hydraulic flow units, Leverett J-Function and Corey based models for relative permeability and capillary pressure, averaging saturation dependent property data, limitation of three-phase relative permeability and capillary pressure models.
  4. Upscaling and relative permeability pseudo-functions
    • dynamic pseudo-functions, vertical equilibrium and viscous dominated pseudo-functions.
  5. Grid selection
    • advantages and disadvantages of structured, unstructured and hybrid gridding systems, corner-point geometry grids, PEBI grids, locally orthogonal grids, vertical heterogeneity and layering, guidelines for grid design.
  6. Model initialization
    • Capillary-gravity equilibrium, initialization with zero capillary pressure, initialization using an average capillary pressure curve, initialization using the Leverett J-Function and a reference capillary pressure curve, initialization using Eclipse SWATINIT method. Effect of different options for run-time capillary pressure.
  7. Aquifer modeling and history matching
    • unsteady-state water influx, Hurst and van Everdingen model, Carter-Tracy and Fetkovich models, material balance and aquifer history matching, guides for effective aquifer model history matching.
  8. Well models and gas condensate reservoir modeling
    • condensate blockage and the two-phase pseudo-pressure method, implementation of the method in commercial reservoir simulators, gas condensate inflow relationships, PVT and fluid flow relationships for gas-oil relative permeability ratios, gas relative permeability ratio as a function of gas-oil relative permeability ratio, high velocity effects, positive and negative coupling, velocity dependent relative permeability and capillary number, guidelines for running gas condensate reservoir simulations using commercial reservoir simulators.

Training Method



Case Study



Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participant


Form Registrasi Pelatihan / Training

Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan Advance Reservoir Simulation, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:

  • (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
  • 0811 2938 847

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Advance Reservoir Simulation
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