E-Learning – Fast Rescue Craft

December 22, 2023

E-Learning – Fast Rescue Craft

Jadwal Pelatihan E-Learning – Fast Rescue Craft

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Provides participants who are required to take charge of a fast rescue craft (FRC) with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and competently launch, manoeuvre and recover an FRC.


  1. Fast rescue craft introduction and theory
  2. Journey preparation and safety checks
  3. Slow and fast boat handling on inland and open waters
  4. Coming alongside a ship, steering in poor weather
  5. Man overboard (MOB) recovery exercise and assisting victim once on board
  6. IAMSAR search patterns
  7. Capsize exercise in swimming pool
  8. Practice at STC NEXT station, and on STC NEXT ships with both jet and propeller drive
  9. Navigation system, plotter and VHF radio operation
  10. Emergency beacons PLB, EPIRB, SART

Form Registrasi Pelatihan / Training

Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan E-Learning – Fast Rescue Craft, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:

  • (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
  • 0811 2938 847

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E-Learning – Fast Rescue Craft
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