E-Learning – Advanced Electrical & Instrumentation
May 24, 2022
Jadwal Pelatihan E-Learning – Advanced Electrical & Instrumentation
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Electrical power systems within the oil, gas, petrochemical and offshore industries have significantly different engineering characteristics to a typical power utility plant and associated consumers of electricity. This course provides an excellent balance between basic applicable mathematical theory and practical know-how which is so essential in applying this immediately to your work. Solid practical know-how is provided in the electrical systems equipment used in off-shore production platforms, on-shore separation and production plants, drilling rigs, pipelines, refineries and even general petrochemical plants. You will gain confidence in basic design, selection, and operation of the typical electrical equipment used in these areas. Numerous practical rule-of-thumb examples are given to enable you to make quick estimates and assessments whilst engaged in your work.
Instrumentation and Control Engineering is the most diversified and challenging area in the oil and gas industry. It covers a whole gamut of engineering such as: Instrumentation Engineering – You will learn about design documentation and specification, field measurement devices, control elements, condition and machine monitoring, fieldbus, actuators, control valves, severe service valves, solenoids, hydraulics, testing and calibration, wireless instrumentation, instrument fittings/ monoflanges/manifolds/tubing and accessories, “on line” process analysers and sample systems, pressure relief valves, choke valves and associated “real world” applications.
- Skills and competencies in Electrical & Instrumentation oil and gas engineering
- Knowledge of the latest technologies in Electrical & Instrumentation oil and gas engineering
- Key techniques in operating your facility to the highest level of safety and in protecting the environment
- Decades of real experience distilled into the course presentations and materials
- Guidance from real Electrical & Instrumentation and gas experts in the field
Outline Materi
1. Introduction – Setting the Scene in Oil and Gas Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
- Fundamentals of Instrumentation, Measurement and Process Control Engineering
2. Electrical Engineering in Oil and Gas I
- Electrical Drawings, Documentation and Schematics
- Transformers
- Troubleshooting, Maintenance and Protection of AC Electrical Motors
- Power Distribution
- Power System Protection and Co-ordination (incl. Fault Calculations/Stability and Protective Relays)
3. Electrical Engineering in Oil and Gas II
- Switchgear and Distribution Systems
- Cables and Wires – Maintenance and Installation Practice
- Variable (or Adjustable) Speed Drives (VSDs) for Instrumentation and Control Systems
- Electrical Safety
- Earthing/grounding, Power System Harmonics and Power Quality – Onshore/Offshore
- Lightning and Surge Protection
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs), Batteries and Battery Chargers
- Emergency Power Supplies
4. Electrical Engineering in Oil and Gas III
- Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas
- Electrical Applications to an Oil and Gas Platform and Site
5. Instrumentation and Control
- General Instrumentation Standards in Oil and Gas
- Best Practice in Process, Electrical and Instrumentation Drawings and Documentation
- Process Instrumentation
- Calibration, Installation and Maintenance of Instruments
6. Instrumentation and Control
- Process Control Basics
- Control Valves Sizing, Selection and Maintenance (incl. Pressure Relief Valves)
- Programmable Logic Controllers
- SCADA Systems
- Distributed Control Systems
- Industrial Data Communications (incl. Fieldbus and Industrial Ethernet)
- Safety Instrumentation and Emergency Shutdown Systems for Oil and Gas (IEC 61511 and IEC 61508) – Basic Introduction
7. Instrumentation and Control
- Wellhead and Flowline Control – Control Systems
- Emergency Wellhead Blowout Controls
8. Specialised Applications in Oil and Gas Electrical & Instrumentation
- Power Generation
- Cathodic Protection
- Compressor Control (incl. surge control)
- Drilling Control Systems and Instrumentation
- Subsea Instrumentation and Control Systems
- Pig Launcher/Receiver Systems
- Critical Flare Knockout Drum Controls and Instrumentation
- Flare Flame Front Generator and Ignition Monitoring System
- Distributed Control Systems
Form Registrasi Pelatihan / Training
Jika anda berkeinginan untuk mengikuti Pelatihan E-Learning – Advanced Electrical & Instrumentation, anda bisa langsung menghubungi salah satu nomor kami di bawah ini:
- (0274) 4291-355 (08:00 – 16:00)
- 0811 2938 847
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